What is the best muscle building supplement ? If you've read my other articles, you know I 'm not a big
proponent of these products.
Why not ?
Just because it did not make much difference. Not to mention - most of them come from artificial sources and are actually harmful to your health.
So you should have no best muscle building supplement ?
Not necessarily, have their place, but only once you have a good training program and diet in place. They should be the last thing to think about.
What difference does it make ?
Not long -5 % at best.
What about protein ?
Again, the protein is best achieved through " whole foods " . But if you use a muscle building supplement , make sure it comes from a whole food source is 100 % natural .
There is nothing wrong with getting the nutrition that way - simply add to your diet today - not instead of it.
So what is the best way to exercise ?
Keep your short and intense series , this is the only way to gain strength and muscle. The reason this works is that (1) is its type 2 fibers and (2) stimulating hormones.
And hormones are stimulated , more get ripped .
But do not forget nutrition ...
In general, the best recovery foods are foods with high water content , and that are easily absorbed and does not require much energy.
When loading your body hard to eat foods after digestion training , it just means that the body will have less energy to devote to the process of recovery.
So what is the best muscle building supplement ? Actually , it's just eating healthier and doing an intense workout.
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